
How we use quantitative data to understand organisations impact and design those into effective strategies for digital organisations

Everything has an impact, but you can’t measure everything. We help you to focus on the impact that matters most to your organisation, and how to communicate that impact, so that you stand out from the crowd.

We believe

As the name suggests impact is key to an impact start up. To ensure that an organisation is creating a meaningful impact, it's important to measure its progress towards its desired outcomes. This means setting clear goals, tracking its performance, and using qualitative and quantitative data to make informed decisions about how to improve your impact over time. Not only this communicating the impact you are making helps to attract the best talent, loyal customers and high quality partnerships.

The challenge for impact start ups

Understanding impact can feel like a large, complicated and unwieldy task. It can feel as if you should be measuring millions of data points from CO2 emissions to employees and customer satisfaction. But for start ups that just isn't feasible, it would take up too many costs and resources. The question is then what are the absolutely key things to measure and communicate? here there are many different frameworks, tools and software available to help. This is again creates more work, and takes up valuable resource in finding the right things to use.

How we help

Our generalists and impact specialists can help you quickly cut through the noise of impact and get to a pragmatic strategy

The steps we take

  • Define the impact and outcomes you want to reach

  • Prioiritise key outcomes

  • Identify key measures

  • Define process of collection

  • Analyse data

  • Summarise insights

  • Communicate impact to target audience

The skills we use

  • Impact strategy

  • Logical model mapping

  • Measurement frameworks

  • Impact frameworks

  • Qualitative and quantitative impact measures

  • Data collection tools and processes

  • Data analysis

  • Dashboards and data analytics

  • Story telling and communication

  • Workshop facilitation

Last updated