
The series of actions and steps we take in order to achieve success together

Digital product process

Our digital product process doesnโ€™t follow a linear process. We utilise our burst and bloom approach to custom design each burst project by selecting what is required from our work clusters. Our work clusters are essentially the phases of a typical product design & build process.

The difference is that we allow for the fact that each organisation's digital product is at a different stage and doesnโ€™t fit exactly into one phase. Rather each burst project might require and mix these phases with varying fidelity. For example an existing digital product may need a small bit of discovery, a large bit of research and a small bit of coding and releasing and a small bit of training and onboarding.

The work clusters we choose from can be described as follows:

Explore & discover

This cluster of work represents the activities required to identify particular opportunity or problem spaces. Typically we use this chunk when the work is not particularly well defined or when there is a new innovation that we are trying to figure out where it fits within the current digital solution. Examples of activities in this area include:

  • Service mapping

  • Goals and objective definition

  • Interviews

  • Competitor analysis


This cluster of work represents activities where we delve deeper into understanding a particular topic area, user or customer group.

Examples of activities in this area include:

  • Behavioural research

  • User research

  • Market research

Scoping, prioritisation

This cluster of work represents the activities required to turn a high level set of objectives into a prioritised set of achievable steps

  • Roadmapping

  • User stories

  • Backlog management

Design, prototype and test

This cluster of work represents the activities required to visualise and communicate a digital solution to the team, stakeholders, users and the developers with minimum need for code. Examples of activities in this area include:

  • UX design

  • UI design

  • Clickable prototypes

Code and release

This cluster of work represents the activities required to code and release a version of the digital solution. Examples of activities in this area include:

  • Front-end coding

  • Back-end coding

  • Data analytics implementation

  • Unit testing

  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

  • Quality Assurance (QA) testing for performance, usability, and reliability

Measure and learn

This cluster of work represents the work that takes place while the digital product is live, gathering valuable data on user behaviour and feedback in order to inform future bursts of work to improve the value of the end users and organisation as whole.

Examples of activities in this area include:

  • Data analytics analysis

  • User satisfaction surveys

  • User interviews

  • Feedback and learning gathering and sorting

Maintain and fix

This cluster of work represents, ensuring that the digital product stays stable and usable post live.

Examples of activities in this area include:

  • Bug identification and fixing

Team education and process

This cluster of work represents the work that takes place to ensure that an organisation's current employees are able to effectively work with the digital product we have created.

Examples of activities in this area include:

  • Hiring and onboarding of digital experts

  • Training of existing staff

  • Company documentation

  • Defining processes of how to interact and maintain the digital product

Our project process steps

Each burst project involves specific steps aimed at fostering trust with us and our partners, collectively deepening our grasp of the digital solution, and enabling practical actions that consistently enhance user satisfaction and drive organisational success.

1. Onboarding working session

These working sessions serve as a platform to collectively unravel the challenges we face and pinpoint the most effective ways to identify and address them. Typically, our session focuses on discovery, ensuring that all pertinent questions are raised upfront. This approach allows us to gather and deliberate on crucial information as a team before delving into potential solutions. Moreover, these workshops foster an open, collaborative environment, enabling us to collaboratively shape and define the project together

2. Project definition

We use the logical model framework in order to define and scope the project and turn this into a statement of work. The Logical model framework provides an overview of a project's goal, activities and anticipated results. It provides a structure to help specify the components of a project and its activities and for relating them to one another.

3. Project definition, process, roles and responsibilities

From the project definition we align on the process for delivering the work, team setup, their roles responsibilities and agree on a set of project collaboration principles.

4. Kick off

We bring the whole team together in order to share the key parts of defining the project we have done in step 1 to 2 and align together on how weโ€™ll work together.

5. Sprints and/or work packages

Exactly how the burst will run will depend on what work clusters have been defined in step 3. But typically we will use some kind of agile methodology to run sprints of prioritised tasks with short regular check-ins when the work involves some coding and design. If the project is more research focussed then we will skill manage our tasks using a method like Kanban, but utilise sprints much less.

6. Retrospectives

To ensure the smooth running of the team we will do regular retrospectives with the whole team. Learnings & actions from these sessions are collected over time and when required can be used to define actionable tasks as part of step five to ensure feedback is visibly actioned.

7. End of project reviews

As the project nears close, we will review the collected retrospective learnings alongside the statement of work to ensure we have achieved our aims set out at the beginning and to summarise what we have learnt to take into the next burst.

8. Signal to bloom workshop

The last step in a burst will be to define how the work we have done will continue to be measured after we leave the project. We facilitate a workshop where alongside our partner, we help to define how further learnings will be gathered, what are the aims with the learnings and then how often we should check-in.

Last updated