The outcomes
A virtuous cycle of outcomes, that help us design and strategise towards a future with more people first organisations that create more impact
We now know what our vision for people first organisations is, and how we want to help them, so that leads lastly on to defining what outcomes we want to achieve for this and for who. Here’s the statement again:
“At Elsewhere, we firmly believe in the power of people-first organisations. We believe that by building, nurturing, and championing people-first organisations we can foster a virtuous cycle of positive outcomes that benefit not only ourselves, but also the organisations we collaborate with, their customers and employees, and the wider community.”
This section focuses on: “ a virtuous cycle of positive outcomes that benefit not only ourselves, but also the organisations we collaborate with, their customers and employees, and the wider community”.
Define organisations we collaborate with
We want to collaborate with people that believe in and work for people first organisations. These organisations can take many legal forms (non profit, foundation, for profit or governmental), follow many purposes and work with many challenging topics. The most important thing for us is that they believe in the people first strategies we’ve outlined no matter how far along with them they are, and believe in putting the effort required in to make them happen.
There are certain organisational purposes that we are potentially more likely to work with due to prior experience, general personal interest or our need to know more about a certain topic to further our own company. These purposes are not a prerequisite for working with us and certainly change over time as the world, our interests and organisational needs change too.
Appreciate Nature
The influence of nature on people's lives can be immensely positive, ranging from spending more time in natural surroundings to gaining inspiration and knowledge from the processes of the natural world. Our goal is to support organisations and solutions that enable people to have easier access to these experiences.
In many ways the current narrative is that technology is removing us from nature, but we believe this doesn’t have to be the case. Technology processes and solutions can learn a lot from the processes of nature. Not only that technical solution can provide us with access and knowledge of nature that can help us appreciate it in new ways.
Enjoy Food
Food is a fundamental requirement for everyone, but many of us are now disconnected from the various stages of food production, sourcing, and preparation. It is our belief that by bringing people closer to the processes involved in making their food and encouraging them to enjoy the experience of cooking and eating with loved ones, people can develop a greater awareness of how their food choices affect the environment. This, in turn, can help people gain a better appreciation for the food they consume.
With this in mind we’d love to collaborate with others trying to help in this space.
Love our homes and shelter
We spend a significant portion of our lives inside buildings, whether it's our home, workplace, or school. However, these spaces should be more than just shelters. They should be environments that we enjoy being in, where we can connect with others and share experiences. After all, the places where we spend most of our time should enhance our well-being and contribute to a positive quality of life.
We are always trying to improve our studio experience to be the best place for our employees and those renting desks, so any chance to learn more about the best way to design indoor experiences would be very interesting to us.
Sustainable clothing
We all need clothes, but do we need so many of them? Do we need to replace them so often? We believe in creating clothing that lasts longer, can be repaired and considers its supply chain. As wearers of clothes (most of the time) ourselves, we’d love to help with solutions that help with more sustainable clothing.
Improve how we learn and educate
Learning and personal growth are continuous processes, our education doesn't end when we finish school. We learn in many different contexts, including in our professional and personal lives. It's essential to recognize that learning is a lifelong journey and that education can take many forms.
We believe that there is a lot more that can be done to enhance our understanding of how people learn best, including how to personalise learning to meet individual needs. Technology has the potential to be a valuable tool in this regard, providing a means to create customised learning experiences that are more accessible to everyone. By leveraging technology in education, we can help more people reach their full potential and foster a love of learning that lasts a lifetime.
Define wider community
The term "community" can have various meanings depending on its context. In this particular case, the term "wider community" refers to the group of people who share a common belief in prioritising people first organisations. This community has no limitations regarding geographical location, race, gender, or other categorizations, as it is based on a particular mindset and a desire to bring about people-first organisational change.
While we have strongly held beliefs about the importance of putting people first in organisations, we don’t believe that people first organisations can solve all of the world's problems or should attempt to do so. We value differing beliefs and encourage them to exist alongside our own, we value hearing them and are thankful for them as without them our own values would not exist.
However, we have chosen to focus its work on providing assistance to those in their community who share their belief in people-first organisations and require support to realise their goals..
Define a virtuous cycle of positive outcomes
When we say a virtuous cycle, we are referring to the interconnected nature of all of the positive outcomes we intended to achieve:
The more successful elsewhere is, the more successful people-first organisations, the more successful the wider community. Not only this but the more successful people first organisation are the more successful elsewhere is, whichever way you flip it, we have a virtuous cycle. All of our respective positive outcomes feed each other, ultimately creating an unstoppable snowball effect.
Defining interrelated outcomes like that is hard, so we have also listed the outcomes we are striving to:
Our outcomes
Elsewhere employee satisfaction is high
Elsewhere customer satisfaction is high
Elsewhere is a profitable organisation
Elsewhere has strong relationships with its partners
Elsewhere is seen as a thought leader of people first organisations
Elsewhere is making progress towards it’s intended impact
Beyond elsewhere outcomes
Employee satisfaction in the organisations Elsewhere works with and those in the wider community improve
Customer satisfaction within the organisations Elsewhere works with and those in the wider community improve
The profitability of people first organisations Elsewhere works with and those in the wider community improve
People first organisations Elsewhere work with and those in the wider community become more effective towards reaching their impact
The wider community starts to implement and improve their existing people first strategies within their organisations without elsewhere help
The wider community displays and communicates higher satisfaction with their lives
The end
Wow, thank you so much for reading, we’re impressed that you read all of this and got to the end. If you skimmed straight to the bottom you’re just a liar and a cheat, you’re only cheating yourself 😏.
To those who did truly read it all, thank you again, and we can say with 100% certainty that we should talk this through together, do set up a time for a coffee and title it “read to the end, we need to talk ☕️”. We guarantee we’ll put people first and make time for that conversation.
Big love, Elsewhere 💛
Last updated
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